
  李松石,画家 ArI【推荐】书画艺术家百科_书画艺术家辞海_中国书画名家百科_权威的书画家认证与查询平台


画家李松石从8岁起师从著名画家高佩麟,后曾就读于鲁美,是高老的关门弟子。高老是清朝末代皇帝溥仪的宫廷御用画师,获封“十四神童”。   李松石的画作着重于自然世界的描绘。移居澳大利亚以后,遍布澳洲的充满唐宋风格的自然风光激发了他对运用中国传统国画技法创作澳洲风景的热情。在创作过程中有如在与宋人进行沟通交流。   他在澳洲多次举办画展,受到当地居民的喜爱。画作为广大书画爱好者,收藏爱好者,以及当地政府机构收藏。   2014 年 博屋画展,作品被安排在画册中页整版。   2015年 史卓菲师生画展   2016年 悉尼中华文化中心个人画展   2017年 史卓菲市政府师生画展   2018年 车士活师生画展   2019年,澳大利亚新洲现场绘画比赛中获得冠军。   2019年,博屋艺术大奖赛,画作由博屋政府出资收藏   2019年,获福州市侨办组织的庆祝国庆70周年国际征文大奖赛中获得美术组一等奖。   2019年12月,澳大利亚Blacktown市艺术大奖赛,作品《中国公园》为主办方出资收藏。   Songshi Li started his painting experience since he was 8 years old following his teacher, master Gao Peilin, who was a royal artist serving the last Qing Dynasty emperor Puyi.   Song's painting focus on depicting nature world. After he moved to Australia, he was attracted by local nature, flowers, plants, animals and landscapes, which make him feel he could communicate back with ancient Song Dynasty. He is trying to paint local landscapes with his Chinese painting techniques. He has had several art exhibitions in Australia, and found out that local residents love this type of traditional painting very much.   2014 Burwood Art Exhibition   2015 Strathfield Art Exhibition   2016 Chatswood Chinese Culture Centre Art Exhibition   2017 Strathfield Art Exhibition   2018 Chatswood Art Exhibition   2019 Burwood Art Exhibition   2019 Chatswood Art Exhibition   2019 Blacktown Art Prize


